Don't Become That Man

The client

Don’t Become That Man – A service to encourage and facilitate early intervention and prevention programs for men who have concerns about their current controlling behaviour, and even more concerns about how that behaviour might escalate to violence.

The challenge

Develop and execute a launch campaign to:

  • Raise awareness of the campaign and its offering (helpline and triaging service; residential facility)
  • Improve understanding of the issue at hand and the need for the Don’t Become That Man offering
  • Drive inbound calls and website visits from relevant stakeholders (men at risk of falling into controlling and/or violent behaviour) and referral partners

The approach

Hughes developed a three-month integrated campaign ‘No ifs. No buts. No excuses. Don’t Become That Man.’ capturing:

Graphic design and video: The Hughes in-house production team wrote and developed a radio and video ad around the campaign creative ‘No ifs. No buts. No excuses. Don’t Become That Man.’

Traditional PR (The Advertiser, InDaily): developed in partnership with industry stakeholders including SA Police and the Minister for Human Services for awareness raising and momentum. The Advertiser reported higher than normal article views and a keen interest in continuing to work with Hughes on this topic.

Digital advertising: a cost-effective social media ad campaign across regional and metropolitan SA, incorporating a mix of broad awareness and tighter retargeting tactics.

Radio advertising: Hughes developed of a series of 15-second radio ads to raise awareness of Don’t Become That Man on identified radio channels for the key market (e.g. Triple M, FiveAA) at peak periods (e.g. football finals season).

Poster distribution: The Hughes in-house production team designed an impactful poster to raise awareness of the service. Hughes worked with a local poster distribution company to distribute posters across key metropolitan and regional locations.

Shop-a-docket promotion: Assistance with the content and digital promotion of DBTM through the Shop-a-docket service.

The outcome

The launch campaign successfully cast a spotlight on the Don’t Become That Man service through securing media coverage in leading South Australian print and online mastheads, as well as radio.

This coverage was complemented by a social media advertising campaign that reached more than 1 million people across regional and metropolitan Adelaide, achieved more than 25,000 15-second video views and nearly 2,500 clicks.

Complementary poster distribution to metro and regional areas and radio advertising rounded out a sophisticated launch campaign which has cemented the DBTM service offering in the South Australian market.

Don’t Become That Man has been publicly supported by key third-party stakeholders and now features in the list of contacts shared by national media outlets at the end of articles relating to domestic violence.


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