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Blog: Work experience student Brock shares about his enjoyable week at Hughes

9 July 2024

Last week, Year-10 student Brock from Faith Lutheran College joined the Hughes team for work experience. He came to us with a keen interest in design and left with well-rounded understanding of the different areas and roles within our business, including PR and media, social media, videography and graphic design. See what he had to say about his week at Hughes below. 

My work experience at Hughes PR

My interest in work experience at Hughes Public Relations originated from the work they do in graphic design. Design is a subject I am passionate about in school and for my future. However, after understanding the various areas that Hughes covers, I was extremely keen to observe and understand all roles within the business.

When arriving at Hughes PR I was introduced to each member and briefly explained what their role was. Hughes has a very skilled and fun team that made me feel very welcome each day. They were supportive and enthusiastic in teaching me and letting me participate in their work.

I was fortunate enough to attend many meetings in my time at Hughes for work experience. These meetings not only gave me an idea of what each member does, but I was able to learn about how businesses are run. A specific highlight of the week was when I was lucky enough to sit in on a media training session. The training was very interesting, and I was able to get involved in the practical work with the client, including acting as a reporter and asking the client questions. This was a great learning experience, and I gained a lot of knowledge from it.

While I was on work experience, I was able to get involved in doing my own graphic design and write a media release. I studied the structure and the purpose of a media release and then write my own. I learnt how to use an Adobe program called Indesign, which helped me create multiple social media tiles for a client.

Working with such a friendly team at Hughes, sitting in on meetings and even having freedom to go out and get lunch gave me a feeling of independence and belonging in the workplace. Each staff member here is amazing at what they do, and I loved getting to learn about their roles at Hughes 

Overall, I had an amazing time with my work experience at Hughes PR. It gave me a feel of future career pathways that I am interested in. Having been lucky enough to do my work experience here has allowed me to understand high value skills and how they are implemented into businesses. I got to work with a very friendly team who are all extremely skilled at what they do. My work experience has not only given me an idea of future jobs, but I was also able to take away many skills, lessons, and memories, which are equally as valuable.

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