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Planning reforms a major concern – UDIA AGM

17 September 2015

Planning reforms in South Australia remain a major concern for the urban development industry, said UDIA (SA) Executive Director Pat Gerace at yesterday’s Annual General Meeting.

“The Urban Development Institute is concerned about the lack of detail from Government regarding planning reforms, which could affect the way South Australians live for decades to come,” said Mr Gerace.

“While we are supportive of a number of the reforms which are designed to make the actual planning process faster and more certain, there is still a lot of detail that is missing which will determine what the reforms actually mean for the sector and consumers when the rubber hits the road.

“The UDIA continues to oppose a legislated urban growth boundary and doesn’t support any moves that will result in less choice for homebuyers.

“We have also long sought a fairer and more transparent mechanism to fund costs of development, but we’re cautious of anything that could lead to homebuyers funding what has traditionally been the responsibility of government.”

The AGM also heard an update from Alicia Davidge of Renewal SA about the progress of the new Bowden development, while respected property industry figure John Stimson was formally re-elected as SA President of the UDIA.

Mr Stimson reflected on the Institute’s substantive inputs over the past year on a range of strategic and policy initiatives, including:

  • The Expert Panel on Planning Reform;
  • Promoting a transparent, equitable and effective infrastructure funding framework;
  • The State Taxation Review including stamp duty reductions;
  • Affordable housing advocacy; and
  • Land releases for the regeneration of inner and middle ring suburbs.

Established in 1971, the UDIA (SA) is the state’s peak advisory body for residential property and land development activities. As the fifth largest contributor to output in SA, the property development industry employs 56,000 people or 7% of the state’s total workforce, and accounts for almost $9 billion or 12% of Gross State Product.

UDIA (SA) Executive Director Pat Gerace on 0417 811 621

Kieran Hall on

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